Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tech City On The Move

Ulster County Executive Mike Hein, Assemblyman Kevin Cahill, US Senator Chuck Schumer and Ulster Supervisor Nick Woerner joined Tech City owner Allen Ginsberg Friday, to talk about the future of the old IBM site as a green complex that would create about 3300 alternative energy jobs.

The U.C. Fishbowl was at the conference and was very impressed with the presentation. For too long tech city has been empty and plan after plan has fallen through for one reason or another, we really have a feeling that the plan set forth by Ginsberg is going to move forward.

Senator Schumer has committed to finding funding to make this a reality under the Obama stimulus package. TechCity — and the future of The Solar Energy Consortium — is a perfect example of a good, worthy green project that will create jobs and could get a boost from the economic stimulus plan, said the Senator.

Supervisor Woerner really deserves a lot of credit for his commitment to not just filling Tech City with the first offer that comes around, but for sticking to his guns and supporting the right project, for the town. There is no questions that all residents of the town of Ulster and of Ulster County will benefit as a result of this project. I think we also should give credit to Mike Hein, who has hit the ground running and also committed to making this plan a reality.


Anonymous said...

Every 2 months or so there is some sort of press announcement regarding TSEC. I think it's mostly bullshit.

All the politicians get together. They say something about jobs. They get their picture taken.

Let's see some real jobs created without using taxpayer dollars.

TSEC is only going to have so much mileage.

This can not be Hein's economic development claim to fame.

Anonymous said...

Fishbowl - do you actually believe what you are writing.

Come on. Ginsberg is hopeless, Schumer is all talk, Cahill hasn't delivered a dime for economic development, and Hein has done nothing but make plans and announce task forces.

Does Ulster County have one elected official in Albany or Washington who has ever owned a small business or invested personally in the private sector.

I guess Bonacic owns or owned a bunch of businesses and Larkin used to be a dry cleaner but all the others have been on the government dole their whole lives.

Tech City is dead.

Anonymous said...

Fishbowl.... good job for posting dissenting opinions.

I have to chime in and agree with 11:36.

In addition to everything that 11:36 said, I would like to add that not only have most politicians been on the government dole their whole life and not business owners, the government does everything it can to make life difficult for business owners.

The taxes and insurances... rules, regulations etc are enough to drive most people out of business - and they do.

I think if there were more business owners in government things would be different.

The problem is that no business owner wants to put themselves out there to be attacked in the political world because they are afraid of losing customers.

Anonymous said...

After the dirty tricks scandal by March Gallagher and Mike Hein I can't blame another business owner for not wanting to get involved.

Ginsburg is hopeless and so is Ulster County's economy of minimum wage jobs.

Anonymous said...

Business owners have no business in public governance. They should be afraid of losing business. This idiotic assumption that being good at extracting money from helpless victims is a good ethical virtue worthy of public support has to be put down for good. No one that puts the well being of others before themselves is successful in the private business world. Neither is a greedy, self serving, (AKA business savvy)entreprenuer ever able to keep his hands clean in politics. When I read these posts about pushing businesspeople for public office they just reek of corruption. Keep the money changers the hell out!

Anonymous said...

3:40, you obviously don't own a business in Ulster County.

Trust me... the business owner gets paid last in the scheme of things.

And that's after the government, vendors and employees take their cut.

You are lucky to get paid yourself.

Unknown said...

Yeah....I agree with 3:40

Leave Politics to the professional politicians. Nobody is better at extracting money from helpless victims. Besides if we start letting business people and other people with brains into politics, than where are the money hungry, bottom feeding, professional politicans going to go.

They might actually have to get a real job and actually contibute to society instead of live off of it. It would really suck for them to have work in a world where they can't vote themselves a raise.

Anonymous said...

The bitter failed curmudgeons that want to see the least intelligent,the small businesspeople, get their greedy little hands on public money are displaying just that in this forum. Your businesses deserve to fail.

Anonymous said...

Jeremiah, Who exactly are you talking about? Hinchey has a BA and could have easily made a decent living without politics. Bonacic and Cahill are both lawyers who could double their salaries if they wanted. Hein, you may have a point there, he is easily holding the best job he could hope for. The county Legislators, who either work full time, own their own business, or are retired, are paid as much as most high school basketball or football coaches.

Most of the Town people are part time with other full time jobs too. There are exceptions like Woernor and Sottile who are at the pinnacle of their careers.
Overall MOST local politicians are working stiffs just like you and me.

I suggest you rally these business people who can purportedly do so much better and get them involved, get them to run for office. Let's see what THEY can do!

Anonymous said...

Wow, an employer that lives off the backs of his employees and begrudges them their "cut" is really a great example of the kind of miscreant we need to drive out of this county. I hope your employees make off with your customers soon. What a scumbag! Putting scum like that in public office? Insanity.

Ulster County Fishbowl said...

Actually, 754, Hinchey also has a Master's Degree.

Anonymous said...

So what do the posters on this blog want? Communism? Should all the small business owners just close up shop, leave town and let the government run everything?

Unknown said...


My comment about professional politicians would obviously not apply to local county legislators and Town Board members. They work for a living and spend their free time serving their communities through local government. Heck many are business owners

Their are many other politicans out there that are just what I said. My guess is that 3:40 is one of them based on his comments.

Most business owners in this community besides supporting our community with their business also use their talents to help the community. Look at your local planning boards, town committees and task forces. These people step up time after time, and don't need me or anyone else to rally them.

I don't blame a single business owner in this community for chosing not to run for office, because of people like 3:40 that will exploit it as an opportunity to attack them for their own personal gain.

Clark Richters said...

I like the Blog List ... Makes it easy to navigate through the digital political jungle of Ulster County. :) Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's legally possible to remove Jacobs that easily.

If it were, Knudsen in Rochester would have been LONG gone.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? this place has been vacant for over a decade and now they come up with some new "plan" and you actually beleive them that they will get something out of this. Where is the basis for that...past history? For once, just once, I would like to see some kind of actual action...i am tired of hearing about their great "Plans". How about a TENANT who has some JOBS.

Anonymous said...

There is a new President and some other new staff at Tech City. They have been brought in to run the day to day operations of the facility. The president has extensive experience in redeveloping outdated industrial complexes. He was a big part in redeveloping Griffiss Air force base after it was shut down. Maybe things will happen with the new blood.