Friday, March 6, 2009

Schreibman and the Democrats are sleeping.

Election 2009 is shaping up to be the year Republicans muscle their way back to relevance in Ulster County. With County Democratic Chair Julian Schreibman conceding the Clerk race to Republican Nina Postupack and now Michael Kavanagh Jr. is emerging as the strongest Republican challenger to replace retiring County Judge Mike Bruhn. Sources tell us that Kavanagh Jr. has been meeting with real Democratic Party leaders to garner support and he is impressing everyone. Endorsements from Town Republican Committees are also right around the corner for Kavanagh. Names like Weiss, Williams, and Petro are going around, former DA Don Williams would be an excellent candidate but we're not sure any Republican can beat Kavanagh. Names of retiring Democratic legislators are Sheeley, Briggs, Stoeckelar, Lomita, Decker and one of the Parete's. Republicans need only three pickups to win back control of the legislature.

Democratic names being thrown around are NOBODY for County Clerk. Kossover, Ricks, Riccardi, Davenport, Schneer, and Corrado for County Judge. It's time for Schreibman to start promoting candidates around the county. Schreibman should start by spending more time in Ulster and less in Manhattan. It takes a full time chairman to win elections, Schreibman's living in NYC during the week hurts Democrats.

Sources have told us that Schreibman approached Postupack and Republican leaders about a cross endorsement deal and were rebuffed. Schreibman was told that Nina will not be running on the Democratic line in 09. This shows how confident the Republicans are and how much the Democrats have fallen in the 6 plus months Schreibman has been steering the ship. Financials also paint a grim picture for Democrats. In the latest reporting period, the only money Democrats raised was a puny $2000 loan that Treasurer Ian Brody contributed. Schreibman has work to do, if he continues to sleep it will be a long year for Democrats.

When we say real Democratic leaders who have met with or are meeting with Kavanagh Jr. we mean Hein, VanBlarcum, Auerbach, Kirschner, Parete, Zweben, O'Connor and several deep pocketed donors.

We will analyze legislative races another day.


Anonymous said...

Why make noise now? The pugs are pretty busy marginalizing themselves. I seriously doubt the pugs will be successful in making a comeback.

Anonymous said...

If I were running as a Democrat, I'd stay as quiet as possible.

Anonymous said...

The filthy, money hungry crooks of uptown continue to rule the roost thanks to Mike Hein. He is the biggest mistake the Democratshave ever made. They will regret the day they chose him over Zimet or anyone else.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Nobody is pretty popular. I'd be afraid if I were running against him!

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't Brian Shapiro be added to the list of Democrats not running for re-election in the legislature?

Anonymous said...

If Rich or Rob Parete run for Clerk they get Dem, Working Families, Independence lines.

Dems seriously outnumber GOP here in Ulster County today.

With Van Blarcum running strong, a Parete for Clerk, and a Dem running hard for Judge, Dems can still win, but only if good candidates are put forth. Schreibman is not helping, but the natural advantage of party enrollment makes up for limited leadership.

Anonymous said...

10:38, you can say that again. You certainly got that right.

2:38, I LOVE the idea of a Parete running for clerk.


Anonymous said...

Don't place bets on vanblarcum yet, way to early. The "pugs" already have a better qualified administrator on the leash.

Anonymous said...

Schriebman hasn't lost an election yet. Why don't you guys get over it and be a positive force rather than a bunch of whiners?

Anonymous said...

The in crowd - Dems and RePub's alike screw the taxpayers over.

Anonymous said...

Real Democrats? Or greedy self serving opportunists that can be bought? It seems the "in crowd" is on the outs with the voters' agenda. The Parete name in particular is dirt amongst every Democrat I know. These people may be popular among good ole' boys, but they're not keeping up on the times.

Anonymous said...

It takes a full-time chairman to win elections? Was John Parete a full-time chairman? What was he doing at the BoE? Was he running elections or the BoE? If the volunteer position requires full-time attention, then you've narrowed down the list of chairman to: a very wealthy person (who doesn't have to work), someone married to a very wealthy person, or a retiree. Most people have to work to earn money to pay their bills. Shame on John Parete for being a full-time chairman while the taxpayers paid his salary. I guess Stu Fraser really did run the BoE for him, huh?

Anonymous said...

Lomita is retiring?? Is that official?

Anonymous said...

Zweben?? He's no leader. He's a buffoon.

Anonymous said...

Amen to 9:17's comment!

Anonymous said...

Zweben may run Woerner and Ulster but he does not run the County Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Rob is too good to run for Clerk.

Anonymous said...

A Parete for Clerk on the WFP line??? Ha!

Anonymous said...

it is depressing that kavanagh jr is talking to the dems,

his Father made his bones & his rep as a Republican & demographics be damned,,, loyalty is loyalty,, he will win on either line if he does it right,

it truly saddens me,

& what if it is Don Williams against Mike jr ??? hmmmm,

Anonymous said...

Stuart Fraser running BOE! PLEASE give me a minute, I have to stop laughing. All Stuart did at
BOE was start problems and act like a woman creating drama! We need qualified candidates and if Stuart, Shannon and cronies think they know what they are doing, they have another thing coming. As we can see, there is no money in the coiffers so what are they up to? Certainly not getting qualified candidates! They are too busy trying to bash people who know how to run a party! You have to pay your dues, and the Schreibmans and Stuart certainly have a lot to do so get going and do something useful for a change!

Anonymous said...

Is Williams running? I haven't heard him announce.

Anonymous said...

Frustrating the "real democrats" seems to be working quite well! The voters aren't worried.

Anonymous said...

7:05 - If Parete was the full-time committee chairman (as the blogger stated is necessary for the success of the party) and Stuart didn't run the BoE, then who did?

Anonymous said...

I could support Rob Parete for County Clerk. I think it would also go a long way to unite different factions of the Democratic Party. Rich could also do a good job but may have burned too many bridges with Democrats.

Anonymous said...

9:17-Rich or Rob would do a great job and would win hands down! It is too bad Schreibman doesn't know how to recruit good candidates. All we see him doing is strolling around uptown doing nothing...The party is in dire straits thanks to his lack of leadership...where are all of the Julian fans now? They are awful quiet these days. The big donor's checkbooks are closed for the time being, this from a very reliable source. Maybe Saugerties, Woodstock, Marbletown or New Paltz Dem Committee's can come up with some big donations. But we won't hold our breath. Yes folks, great leadership that's what we have now...

Anonymous said...

7:59-You must be one of those morons who doesn't know how the Chairmanship and BOE works, the two jobs go hand in hand, As many counties in NY state work this position. Then again you probably are one of those narrow minded people who can't figure out how to do two things in one day much less actually work a real job and still be involved in many organizations. It is sad there are people out there, like yourself, who can't multi task. Many of us can work a full time job and still manage to run other successful operations in our off time. Obviously you have never worked a day in your life, it shows by your ignorant comments.

Anonymous said...

boy 9:38 - you sure know how to sling the insults. You're a very nasty person - a simple question was asked, that's all.

Try rewriting a little bit more nicely, and maybe someone will take you seriously.

Until then, you're a major asshole to respond so viscerally.

Anonymous said...

There are at least five potential candidates for the County Judge position and strong candidates are surfacing for the county clerk position. Senator Gillibrand will be the guest of honor at the Spring Brunch. Julian et al have reduced the yearly expenses on the HQ by $5000 and are actively trying to build up the bank account left totally depleted by the last regime. The recent mixer before the Executive Board meeting was a great success and a strong unifying effort. It's time for the naysayers to get on board the train.

Anonymous said...

9:38 - since "many" counties have the Chair of the party also the elections commissioner, and you're a snotty, sarcastic asshole, NAME WHICH ONES!! I sure hope it's a lot. And since you're so adept at multi-tasking, you'll have the time to research it. I think there are 63 counties in the state. I sure hope that your number is close to the majority. Give us which counties and the names of the election commissioners/party chairs.

Locally, Ulster doesn't, Greene doesn't, Dutchess doesn't, Orange doesn't, and Albany doesn't.

And since John Parete (the one whom you're vigorously and viciously defending, which proves why he got his ass kicked by proxy at the reorganizational meeting - people like you are his staunchest defenders) also owns a business, it's pretty obvious that he conducted party business while working for the taxpayers.

Isn't that...uh....illegal?

Ulster County Fishbowl said...

3:28...ease up on the anger. John Parete was not on the ballot the last convention. If he was he would still be chairman today.

Anonymous said...

3:28 PM is Amee Peterson..get a life, Amee.

Anonymous said...

11:01 - you're probably right - Parete very may well have won if he ran. I think he would've been surprised about how well he did. Though many committee people are/were disgusted with Parete's antics, they couldn't disagree with the fact that under Parete's leadership we were able to get a Dem majority.

Anonymous said...

The Spring Brunch was a great success. A record crowd overflowed the parking lot with over 250 in attendence. Optimism was high. In addition to Senator Gillibrand all the heavy hitters attended including a great turnout of legislators. June O'Neill Chair of the State Dem Party gave a crusty speech and lots of good cheer was directed to Lew Kirschner. Lets all get on board.