Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Postupack HYPE!! Wake UP DEMS!

Its almost funny at the hype of how popular people think Nina Postupack is..fact is outside of Kingston no one knows who the woman is. Don't believe me go to accord or new paltz and ask 10 people who the county clerk is and see if anyone knows or cares.

The job is an important one and a powerful one and we need to send Nina and her mentor Al Spada packing. The good ol' boys of Kingston, DEMS and republicans all lined in to kiss Spada's ring at Nina's event is sick that democrats like Jim Sottile and Tom Hoffay along with others are supporting a woman who was trained by AL SPADA! The same clerk that railed against Spitzer for his plan to give licenses to illegal aliens...does she not realize that MrSpada had been doing that for years...for a small fee of course.

We are not saying Nina was involved but there is an old line in Casino where DiNero's character is firing the slot manager : either you were in on it or were to stupid to know you were being scamed....either way your out!



Anonymous said...

It isn't that I dislike Nina, it is that I dislike everything she represents. Enabling elected people who open the door for influence and potential corruption.
Backroom deals, Power hungry puppets who march in lockstep as long as there is campaign money (or more?) at the end of the parade, entree into the world of government money for the select few via the designated bag man. Job bank for family and friends, unlimited billable hours for attorneys on the government dime, Arrogance beyond compare,
It is despicable and embarrassing that this still takes place.

Anonymous said...

Of course Hoffay was there he had no choice. Was this just a Kingston crowd or all of Ulster County?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Ms. Bernardo should run for this instead?

Anonymous said...

You couldnt carry Nina's briefcase, schmuck !

She is a class act regardless of ALbert's influence.
She is the consumate Public Servant & her office HELPS, yes HELPS all people regardless of party.
Those accusations against Albert's integrity only prove your gutless cowardice cause you throm mud ANONOMOUSLY ! Shame on you, blogmaster,, cowardly actions.

Nina will win overwhelmingly because she does her job, brilliantly.

If you were @ her event last night, you would have seen people from every corner of the County, so yes, she is known & respected throughout the entire County & NY STATE, too, ya idiot.

Anonymous said...

Are you are giving Spitzer cred on his license plan, which 80 percent of NYrs were against and then he got himself into a bit of a bind? Spitzer was not the next step in the evolution of man you thought him to be.

Anonymous said...

Corruption breeds corruption. I agree with 7:29 100%.

Anonymous said...

10:29- Gives everyone good reason not to vote for this woman no matter what. Throw the bums out. I hope somebody pops up that gives the voters a chance to throw scum like that poster overboard. I'd even vote for a former Republican!

Anonymous said...

What are you Nina supporters smoking? (Butch)

Look at the Election Results from 2005. Queen Nina received more votes on the D line than she did on the R line (22383 D to 17881 R), with 14510 voters not casting a ballot in this election. So what about Kingston where 2681 voters voted on the D line for her. All the D's in Kingston could vote for her on the R line in 2009 and she would still loss. Run a true Dem!

What this says to me is that the voters are tired of UNCONTESTED elections. Look at King Lou's results in the same election.(The Blanks almost beat him). The voters refusing to cast a ballot in an uncontested election are speaking. Who's listening?

Anonymous said...

My checkbook is listening. I'm not supporting a blank slot! With all these unemployed people, you can't tell me nobody wants a nice cushy job with great benefits. I'm tempted to run ad in the papers myself.

Anonymous said...

2:42 still a punk ass coward

throwing unfounded accusations only prove how incompetant @ yr elected position you are,

sitting there, last night, fat & texting on yr blackberry like a little boy, HA ! you should have been @ the Caucus -


Anonymous said...

I agree... Butch Dener has something for Nina.

7:29 called it right and we all know it.

So what are we going to do about it?

We know if we put up a candidate, we can take her down.

Come on Dems... let's go.

Anonymous said...

5:59-You're a loser. (If you're trying to convince people to get rid of this woman, then I apologize.)

Anonymous said...

Have Big Al take the thumb off one of the Parete boys and you have a race. But we all know the fix is in. His thumb is on John Parete or the boys will never win another race in Ulster County. The word is stay in Olive, enjoy Marbletown period.

Anonymous said...

That's a big threat from a 77 year old guy who sat in the corner most of the night because his back hurt.

Anonymous said...

9:22 - you're right - and that's exactly why the Dems need a candidate: Nina = Spada. The Paretes should tell Spada to f*&^ off - Al doesn't run the county. He's threatening them with his warchest and his "influence" isn't worth crap. It would be great to see someone with a pair stand up to him. Money doesn't always win elections (Kevin Costello).

Anonymous said...

hey 7:36

you are a coward & an asshole!

Come out from behind "anonymous" & defend your accusations.
I have a thing for Nina, true - IT IS CALLED RESPECT !

I have nothing but disgust for you !

Anonymous said...

I declare war on the remnants of the Spada era! Ulster County is not owned by one or any group of people. Why is this allowed to happen? Where are Catalano and Schiebman? How can they allow these people who are not even elected, to run the county? Where is the outrage? How come we let these money hungry scum bags take control? Is it time to start calling out people like Hinchey and Hein who are most obviously in bed with these guys? Let's start with County Clerk and the Supreme Court Judge. No one should ever run unopposed or cross endorsed.

Anonymous said...

Right on 11:17!

I say we start a campaign
Anyone but Row B for Clerk

Anonymous said...

I'm with 11:17. This Butch Dener scumbag is really showing his colors! I hope he's not a Democrat. I don't have a high regard for Nina because she put her political agenda before my well being and seemingly couldn't care less about my issue. I don't think she should continue. I'd like the chance to vote against her. If her support comes from scum like this Dener character, I'm sure she can be dethroned. These angry little people have had enough to drink from the public trough. Let's put some adult supervision into the county government.

Anonymous said...

Yes. And does everyone know that Nina's sister works for Nina?

Where is corporate America is that allowed?

She has one of the biggest staff in the entire County Government.

Vote her out.

Anonymous said...

Nina is part of the Coleman High jock/school supporting crowd. That's what works in Kingston--Sottile is the same way. Face it. Gallo, ditto. Heitzman, Amarello, etc etc. The last time Kingston had a nonCatholic elected official I think was before the Civil War or thereabouts.
Nina is a nice person--she was always that way. I'm really happy the pics of her in elementary school of her Mona Lisa smile have turned into a full smile. It was tough to have a full smile while overseen by the nuns that oversaw us. I'm lucky I can smile at all.
Having said that she has indeed made great PR for herself, but she has overlooked a notable thing in her dept. It is in fact a thing that is so obvious almost anyone would find it, if you use the records room. It's annoying and should have been corrected years ago. Nina hasn't paid any attention to it for whatever reason. I have.
Stay tuned. I'm holding onto it because I have my own issues with these mafia R.C.'s in public office who after awhile, all get corrupted and think they are all of that and a bag of chips AND a bottle of soda!! Cases in point:Hinchey "I'm a United States Congressman"(source:Beke) Sottile "Iiiiiiii'llllll make the decisions as to what's best for the city (harrrruuuummmph!!) email to engagement in the common thefts by maintenance at KHA...etc etc etc etc Dr. Habib no engagement on the matter either...these well-connected arseholes who say their are Dems but act more like Donkeys if not mere Burros.
Well the best that can be said is it is ALL disgusting--only the well-connected even survive;the rest are treated by the well connected as prisoners would be treated by Corrections Officers.

Anonymous said...

bd - are we all supposed to be impressed because you're supposedly not anonymous? You have some set chastising others by calling them a coward! What the fuck is "bd" - big dick?

Anonymous said...

Oh and one other thing. One poster on here says "run a true Dem." Well I'd like to know what in tarnation that is. A true Dem. Hmmm....let's take a look around.
Sottile ? "The MEN were harrassed in DPW." (Yeah, ok. He had a sleep lab at Bene but should have been in the ward for delusional thinking--the thing about getting DNA from the sample of feces was just his uneducated self talking)
Madsen? "Lou Dobbs is right."
Kirsten Gillibrand? Immigrants are scum but guns are fun!!
Hinchey? "You have to make decisions based on science."
Hoffay? "I love my friends from Woodstock and New Paltz, who should make decisions for me in Ward 2 in KINGSTON. CVS stands for Catholic Vaulters of Silliness."
Hillary Clinton:"I'll listen to you as long as it takes--to get me elected."
Hmm what is a true Dem now? Do we see any examples? I'll tell you what it meant in my father's meant you actually cared for the needs of someone else and could see past your own nose to do fit that bill that anyone can think of? Hardly. If someone proposes someone who is elected or involved with the party locally, fine. I'm not saying for sure there isn't, but we're looking for a needle in a haystack here.
To me a "true Dem" is someone who lived like my father did in his career and involvement in area and national politics. That's my definition. In his day there actually WERE elected officials like that. Today I doubt there are--or the force and frequency of such are weaker today. If you don't have that attribute you haven't attained--believing in key policies while stepping over everyone else in all ways just isn't enough.
Anyone care to dispute me? Anyone here old enough to remember some old days during which the above assertion may have been true?!

Anonymous said...

Hillary came to my aid and has always listened. When and if she gets into a tough international dispute, you'll be hearing my opinions from her again. (Obama is keeping his ears open and doing a pretty good job of articulating my opinions!) I'm not surprised that the family enterprise in Kingston is just another scar on society left by parochial schooling. When are we going to learn that allowing madrassas to operate in our communities is self-defeating?

Anonymous said...

11:17. Get to the Democrats before it is too late. Let's get Rich or Rob Parete, Susan Zimet, Mike Berardi, Dave Donaldson, Brian Cahill, Jim Noble, Bill Reynolds or any other Democrat with some name recognition on the ballot. I think anyone of them can beat Nina with the right level of support and financing. Let's get it done.

Anonymous said...

well said Ulster County Progressive

Anonymous said...

Nice of you to give your endorsement to all the dem's. I am sure you support is greatly appreciated. But, why don't you put your name in and run. You seem to be fired up. You seem to know politics. Instead of asking these people, who presumbably have no interest in running or we would have heard by now, to run. How about you put your name into the ring. I am sure you'd do fine. If it really is that easy get in the game and show us.

Anonymous said...

Ulster COunty "Progressive" suggests "Let's get Rich or Rob Parete, Susan Zimet, Mike Berardi, Dave Donaldson, Brian Cahill, Jim Noble, Bill Reynolds or any other Democrat with some name recognition on the ballot. "

HA !! 99% of those mentioned would never work as hard as the current County Clerk. It is a full time job & the current Clerk is on the job every day, all day.

Imagine Zimet,Donaldson or any Parete actually working for a living. HA !!!

you dem-libs are delusional.

Anonymous said...

5:30- The free loaders in society are by a wide margin Republicans. If the state welfare were cut and the federal welfare to the states were cut, there'd be no Republican base left to vote. I think you're the one with a serious delusion.

Anonymous said...


you are joking, right ??? funny,, yet not true.

but most of what "you folks" believe isn't true, so this fits in with your delusional & incorrect positions & beliefs.

Anonymous said...

11:34-You wish it wasn't true! There are more Republican trailer trash in the country on welfare than minority urban dwellers. As for the redistributive taxes that keep red states afloat, let's see how they'd survive without the Democrats' handouts. I guess you don't watch the news or read papers. 15% of NY's tax dollars go to Republican states. Republicans are the poorest slobs there are. Right here in UC you can always bet that the crappiest homes will have Republican signs out front. Wake up and smell the coffee. The rich elite are just kept elite by the scum they fool into voting Republican.

Anonymous said...

11:34- Ha ha, those pesky facts that we mainstream Americans believe just don't sit well with your mythical right-wing gibberish! Too bad we have institutions of learning to keep ignorance like yours at bay. Keep trying though, we need a good reminder everyday to keep us on track. Just because you've been marginalized to the lunatic fringe doesn't mean we can stop erradicating you.

Anonymous said...

Spada Spada Spada! I am so tired of hearing that Spada is doing this and doing that and stopping people from running. Are you kidding me? The guy is 75 years old and drives around the county having coffee all day. This idea that he is threatening people if they run for county clerk is ridiculous. What does he have to threaten them with? He is retired. He is not active in any politics. Why would anyone even care what he thinks. He has not been involved in a successful campaign in years. There are no democratic candidates for this office because the potential candidates either do not want to run, or they feel like they cannot win. Either way it has nothing to do with him. Instead of using Spada as an excuse for a lack of candidates, why aren't you asking why Schreibman has been unable to field a candidate. Where is this guy and what is he doing, certainly not what he said he would.

Anonymous said...

I'm often at odds with the approach of this blog. But I am in total agreement that the Democrats should put up a candidate for clerk and stop cowtowing to Al Spada. The Democrats have a 9000 vote edge county-wide and Bernardo can't stand Postupak. Come on...let's go!

Anonymous said...

to 5:05.
Plea$e tell Hinchey, Hein, Woerner, and $ottile that. I $ay you are
100% full of $hit.

$pada and his cronies Zweben, Aaron, Oliveri, and now Gin$berg from tech city are on the $idelines $ending in the play$. Plea$e, we were not born ye$terday.

Anonymous said...

A resurrection of the article that appeared on Ulster County Politics has found a new home at Jacobs Live—People for People.
If you have been holding onto your seats, wait no longer. Sit back and enjoy.