Friday, October 10, 2008

ZIMET: Do as I say, Not as I Do

There is a big controversy brewing in the town of New Paltz over a town board seat up for election this year. Corrine Nyquist failed to file the paper work on time for a candidate that won the Democratic caucus in New Paltz and the candidate was thrown off the ballot. Some people have suggested that it was done purposely but that is neither here nor there. After the incident took place, Jonathan Sennett, a Kingston lawyer and New Paltz committee member, filed an article 78 and tried to get the candidate back on the ballot, with no success, the following is an excerpt from this weeks New Paltz Times:

"Basically, the statute is very clear cut," Sennett said. "It states that filing a nominating petition late is a fatal defect. Judge Work felt constrained by the statute -- regardless if the lateness was due to human or clerical error, and she denied our request."

Sennett's argument, in a nutshell, was that the two-day delay of the nominating certificate did not prejudice the integrity of the electoral process, in light of the fact that there is no other candidate on any other ballot line for this position.

"We argued that justice and voters were better served by remedying the error and placing Mr. Logan back on the ballot, as he was duly nominated at the Democratic Caucus," Sennett said. But the argument failed against the statute.


Ms. Nyquest offers her resignation and Jonathan Sennett, the Vice-Chair, is asked by a few people to run for chair. Well when losing State Senate candidate, losing exec candidate and left wing nutcase Susan Zimet finds out Sennett is being considered, she immediately throws her name in and says she is going to run.

Are you shitting me?

Now put aside the fact that Mr. Sennett gave Zimet thousands of dollars in her failed bid for State Senate and was loyal to her until she stabbed him in the back because Mr.Sennett wanted to support Mike Hein for County Exec over her last minute candidate. But is this not the same woman that launched a jihad against John Parete, saying that as a county official and party leader there was a clear conflict of interest?????????

Zimet, the same woman that screamed from the rooftops that this ethics bill she proposed was something she believed in with all of her black heart and it had nothing to do with politics. The same Zimet that even said that she would've proposed the ethics law, otherwise known as the unethical law, even if it effected her own husband??

Now, the staff at the Fishbowl partly believe that part, there is no doubt in our mind that she would throw her husband, mother or even her own children under the bus if it furthered her own political agenda.

Zimet of course backed out like she always does when she faces any sort of opposition but not before having her husband write a letter to the New Paltz committee saying that Mr. Sennett was not entitled to receive any money for the work he did on behalf of the New Paltz committee and that as committee treasure, it would be a cold day in hell before I write a check to Jonathan Sennett. Keep in mind the money was just for filing fees and other expenses that Mr. Sennett had no control over. What a class act those Zimet's are.

Expect Zimet to face a strong primary next year in her bid for reelection. The people of Ulster County deserve better.


Anonymous said...

Is anyone surprised at this behavior? Zimet has always been and always will be about Zimet. She has lost all support with the exception of the radical UCDWC and Saugerties Nutocrats. Zimet, Bishcoff and all that support them are so out of touch with most Democrats that they will all be finished when they face their next election.

Anonymous said...

zimet is nuts. She and Hector Rodriquez are very poor representatives of New Paltz. There has to be better candidates out there.

Anonymous said...

I remember seeing Zimet stand up at a public hearing telling anyone who would listen that the ethics law had nothing to do with Mr. Parete and everything to do with good government. I guess that only applies to other people now. What a goddamn hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

Zimet did not submit the Ethics law, it was being written for a full year before she attempted to hijack it with her politically fueled anti Parete clause. Do not give her credit for this. The only thing she can take credit for with the Ethics law is that it did not get passed because she infused politics into a very good law. Now, that is the real Sue Zimet! Politics and Zimet first, taxpayers and doing what is right second.

Anonymous said...

Interesting about Zimet but the story seems unfinished. What actually happened in the end with the NP Committee?

Anonymous said...

Interesting how those who are strong enough to be independent thinkers and fight and defeat the party pooh bahs are castigated.

Your venom is really a complement to their character and fortitude. Keep it up.