Sunday, December 14, 2008

Republicans decide not to challenge Dems in 2009

Republicans kicked off the 2009 election cycle by having to climb out of a deep hole. The re-election of Glen Noonan as minority leader sends a message they are not serious about gaining control of the legislature. Glen is a long time member of the legislature and is an example of everything wrong in Ulster County.

This move will most certainly hurt recruitment of candidates and gives voters no reason to vote Democrats out of office. Just two short years ago Noonan was in jeopardy of losing his seat. With the retirement of Tracy Bartels, Noonan was able to win with lite weight running mates Kathy Terezi and Ken (just out of diapers) Ronk. If Bartels returns next year Ronk will be the youngest ever elected (2007) and the youngest ever to lose (2009). Something he could tell his grand kids.

Anyone who is awake in Ulster County knows the Republicans have a weak group of legislators. What surprises us is that with such an important election coming up they took a leap backwards. Santa couldn't have given Democrats a better present.


Anonymous said...

Maybe the democrats will do better now that Parete has been dumped. Talk about corruption! Elections commissioner, party chairman, and two kiddies in the legislature. What an incestual place. Good riddance to the dunce now we have to get rid of his kiddies

Anonymous said...

5:55: Here's $5, go buy a clue.

Anonymous said...

Democrats do better? Exactly how? Every Democrat who runs at the county level wins.

Things are pretty good for Democrats now. They really improved AFTER Parete took over.

Anonymous said...

Your slanted views show. Noonan led a team that swept a changing district. I think the Dems are scared that if he takes his enthusiasm throughout the county the Republicans could certainly take the legislature this year. Kraft is gone just sucks the money, Decker, Briggs, Lomita, Bischoff could go. If Loughran ever gets a job he goes. gregorious and Shapiro hate each other, and I'm sure the Dems would love to lose Rodriguez. Noonan could have a field day with the gang that can't shoot stright led by the Dem or Rep want to be Hein(which way is the wind)

Anonymous said...

Ah, ageism rears its ugly head...

Anonymous said...

Hey 6:19am. It's you who need the 5 bucks.

Anonymous said...

Hey 6:19 Parete is a chump. Democrats have won because of numbers. Once the people get a taste of high taxes and more higher taxes from Hein and Rodrigues and Provenzano republicans will win easily. The democrats under Parete have been a local version of the Osbourne's. A very dysfunctional family.

Anonymous said...

Bring on the higher taxes! We need more reds moving out! Democrats all favor more taxes and more services. How exactly are the minority pugs going to win if all their voters have fled to redder pastures? The pugs should have sold out and fled before the market collapsed. They could be getting fat and happy down south right now instead of facing steep tax hikes. Those of us who decided to stay and pay, do so to force the less ethical and the immoral to leave. We pay to make you go. When my newly elected Republican town supervisor arbitrarily doubled my taxes, my response was delight at his raising the bar and forcing out his own family members. I'll pay for a better quality of life. More taxes, less pugs.

Anonymous said...

Parete for county clerk.

Anonymous said...

8:45! I agree!
Parete for County Clerk!

Anonymous said...

Parete for dog catcher,, he has NO qualifications for this important job except his Father,, & that aint much of a resume.

Get a real QUALIFIED candidate & then we can talk about a race,, til then,, i'll take Nina Postupack's experience & qualifications over any dem so far,,,

Anonymous said...

Parete will never get my vote after supporting a Conservative/Indepence candidate against Jon Sennett. He'll never be endorsed by the UC Democratic Committee.

Anonymous said...

5:55 Please, your statement is brought about by shear ignorance. You must be an incestual person, takes one to know one. Find anyone else who took a party 10 years ago that was basically run into the ground by the chairman at that time and turned it around and then we can talk, you are clearly a very ignorant person for even making such an assinine comment..Your IQ must be really low hence an incestuous person!! And don't throw the old "The party enrollment was low back then" comment out there because Maurice and Kevin were in office so what was the excuse for that? Parete got qualified, good people to run for office and get elected and no one had been able to do that!! Go back into your hole and come back out in 5 years to see what a mess has been made by the current "chariman" and his idiot followers. It will be so sad to see all the progress go down the drain!!

Anonymous said...

10:39AM GET OVER IT!! You Sennett people live in the past too much! Sennett should have had a primary, but because he was too afraid of the outcome of a primary there was none and look what happened, now you have to blame someone for a stupid decision to not primary. You live in the past too much and none of your cronies will ever amount to anything! Lots of people will make sure of that!

Anonymous said...

4:33-You're embarrassing. An "incestuous person" ??? Come back when you've finished high school please! Parete threw an election and idiots like you attacking his detractors only drive home the importance of his departure. The current chairman or "chariman" as you say, is far more intelligent than Parete and has achievements that dwarf your guy's lame record. I hardly think that any damage will come of his tenure. Parete is long gone and dead in this county. Maybe his kids could do something with their future but the old man is history. Once you turn against your own party in the highest position, you're finished. Forget the chump and move on. Who cares anymore?

Anonymous said...

4:38 You'd do well to follow your own advice. Sennett represents the majority and "you" people are now marginalized. Now we have a new chair who's far more competent and much more responsive to the voters that count. "Lots of people" don't amount to squat. Go back to the conservative party and leave Democrats alone to win races.

Anonymous said...

7:13...You must be either Julian or Shannon. Julian will be responsible for more loses than wins in November and the winners will do it without you help. The Schreibman's are dickheads. Watch, next we'll hear that they don't have money to keep Democratic HQ open any longer.

Anonymous said...

8:01-You are an uneducated buffoon. You need to enroll in some remedial english classes right away. With that type of argument you might as well just give up. Personal issues you have with these two people aren't going to make any difference because someone of your insignificant stature matters little to the outcome of future races.

Anonymous said...

Well the empty storefront in Kingston should close down. A new office in New Paltz sounds more like it. It'd certainly be more lively. Why cater to the friggin' Keebler elves in Kingston anyway? Those weird little midgets are really showing signs of inbreeding. I mean, who wears a chrome tie?

Anonymous said...

Noonan was the only one who worked the entire County in 2007 busting his hump to motivate and recruit potential candidates that would step up to the plate to try to make a difference for their communities and County. Do not underestimate his energy and determination when he puts his mind to it. You can't keep a good man down. At least Noonan cares about the Party and his passion is endless unlike some Republicans who have worked against the Party and candidates who were the Party's choices.

Anonymous said...

4:38 - those who forget history are condemned to repeat it. The Paretes' actions in the DA race speak volumes about their character. Why would the committee forget about what happened and "get over it"? So they can put a Parete scumbag in a county-wide position? Why reward that? They should be drummed out of the corp. You want the people to get over it, but you obviously can't get over that there wasn't a primary. The committee nominated and endorsed a well qualified candidate - no primary was necessary. Anyone who was a real friend to the Conservative candidate should've told him to stand down. And, where was he this past election? He ranted on about how much he loved UC and how dedicated he was to the committee. Did he help Hinchey, Cahill, Hein, or Auerbach? I didn't think so...he was nowhere to be found. But then again, I didn't look under EVERY rock!

Anonymous said...

9:11 Go cry to somebody who wants to hear from you! Since you are such a know-it-all, please tell us who got all the qualified candidates to run AND get elected this last election? Oh Yes, according to you it was the current "Chair", he did it all the way from his NYC office where he spends the majority of his time these days! Please give it a break, he couldn't even open a successful law office in Kingston, this is the person I want in charge of my
SUCCESSFUL party. Never fear, we will be in the majority come November 2009 all because of the current leader and his wonderful advisors!

Anonymous said...

6:31- this year's election has nothing to do with Sennett, you idiot. Why would you bring that up? It's not JOHN Parete who's considering running, it's ROB!!!

What has Rob done for any of the elections? You're going to give him credit for the success of the party?

And, the current chair doesn't have his own law office - you really are ignorant. It's a satellite office for a large law firm in NYC so he doesn't have to commute to Manhattan daily.

You don't know what you're talking about at all. No one is crying about last year. The Dem Committee isn't going to forget - or forgive - and of the Paretes too easily when they want to run for a county-wide office. Is it fair to blame Rob for what his father did or didn't do for Sennett? Probably not - but Rob has baggage too. And so, he's in for a fight for the nomination.

It is amazing to me that you would bring up "according to you" - we weren't even on the subject of this year's election or chairman. I guess you're pissed because your guy lost...cry me a river - get over it! Julian will be successful because he has the majority of the party behind him - unlike John Parete who had his posse of bullies.

Anonymous said...

9:26--John Parete never lost to Schreibman. If Parete decided to run he would have won, everyone knows that. Zimet is running the party and that will result in loses everywhere for Democrats in 2009. Anyone affiliated with Schreibman/Zimet has no chance to beat Postupak next year. It will take someone of Bradley or Parete's popularity and accomplishments. I know I'll be attacked for this post but then what else can you expect from the Zimet/Schreibman gang. Let's just hope Jullian goes away after we lose County Clerk and legislative seats.

Anonymous said...

Bradley's popularity? Ha ha ha ha! What a delusional.

Anonymous said...

Democrats will be successful this year DESPITE Schreibman. The Executive Committee wil raise funds and recruit viable candidates DESPITE Schreibman. And in a few years, a candidate with untegrity and scruples will emerge to challenge Schreibman for party leadership and win overwhelmingly. At that point, the sad parete legacy will be ancient history, and Schreibman will be a "what's his name" former place-holder in the memory of true Dems.

Anonymous said...

The Dem party will go down the tubes real soon under Schreibman and his followers. Who will be the big financial backers to the party? All the big donors are taking a break, nobody will be donating any more. So lets see about sad leadership, it is only the beginning.

Anonymous said...

As long as the Democrats hold the County Executive position and the legislature, the "big donors" will be there for county candidates.

Schriebman has moved ahead smartly to heal the wounds and unite the party. The train has left for those who still see politics as a cynical power game.