Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Primary Surprises

If Ulster County BOE web site is correct there were a number of stunners tonight.

First off, thank god asshole Frank Dart went down in flames. This guy is a complete idiot who can't add 2 and 2 together. He should have campaigned with Jeanette, I guess her being 99.9% with him wasn't enough. Dart has made a career of stabbing people in the back, a lot of smiling people in Kingston tonight. I wonder if dart knows that Donaldson was helping Madsen out.

Next up is Schneer, 75 fucking votes!!! I keep hitting the refresh button, it can't be correct. Where is Schreibman? Hiding in NYC? After tonight there is no doubt Don Williams will be the next County Court Judge. The accidental judge should resign because she's gonna take Democrats down with her. The big question is where was the Democratic Party? Judge Work, Paul VanBlarcum, and Judge Mcginty won 2-1, Schneer loses 3-1. No Democrat will campaign within 20 miles of her now.

Noonan. Goodbye. nough said. A great day for Ulster County.

Dart, Schneer, and Noonan--3 people who won't be in office come January.

Schriebman's let's make a deal backfired in Wawarsing. He and Stoeckeler cut the deals and guess who lost?

75 votes. WOW. The Democrats in charge now and losing are the ones that made a villain of sure DA winner Vince Bradley.

Hey Dart, when does Madsen get your vanity legislator license plate?


Anonymous said...

It is a perfect example of: if you put up a bad candidate no one will help them and no one will vote for them. Schneer is a shinning example of this.

The Democrats had a chance to put up a good and well qualified candidate that would have then been appointed to the bench before the election. They chose not to and now they will lose.

So long Dart and so long Noonan.

Anonymous said...

Blame the Judicial candidate mess on Julian Schriebman. He is the one who tried to ram the other guy down the Democrats throat without so much as a heads up.

If there is blame to be placed, it falls squarely on the invisible Democratic Chairman Julian Schriebmans shoulders.

Wondering how the Saugerties and New Paltz Democrats are feeling about their choice for Chairman now? Do nothing, inexperienced, and absentee. A perfect recipe for FAILURE!

Anonymous said...

WHile Schreibman certainly is to blame for a portion of this. Based on what I saw at that convention, Schneer would have been chosen by these ultra left wing nuts of this party anyway. Their heads have gotten too big. They put her up because of who she was, not what she has done. I heard some of them say she is the high risk big reward candidate. They were tying to make a political point rather than looking at qualifications. FOR JUDGE. Bottom line, people recognize she is not qualified for the position and she will lose. Now we will end up with that pompous ass Williams. They clearly are not even asking the question; Can this person win the election? Anyone that knew anything that night knew this was a huge mistake. Even Schreibman. Problem is these people are irrational and do not think about winning, just trying to make a point. They will not listen to anyone who tries to point that out to them.

Anonymous said...

The Sheriff was backing Williams the whole time. You missed that boat altogether.

McGinty's wife is running Schneers campaign so what does that say?

Anonymous said...


Do you know what those numbers are?

It is the number enrolled Democrats and Republicans in Ulster County as of 4/2009.


Schneer is not dead yet.

The Prophet said...

U.C. Fishbowl wrote:

"Next up is Schneer, 75 fucking votes!!! I keep hitting the refresh button, it can't be correct. Where is Schreibman? Hiding in NYC? After tonight there is no doubt Don Williams will be the next County Court Judge. The accidental judge should resign because she's gonna take Democrats down with her. The big question is where was the Democratic Party? Judge Work, Paul VanBlarcum, and Judge Mcginty won 2-1, Schneer loses 3-1. No Democrat will campaign within 20 miles of her now."

Donny Williams victory in the Independence Party was due to the superb organizational talent of Len Bernardo. The Independence Party is a separate entity from the Democratic Party and the County Committee has no influence upon the actions of the members of the independence Party. The race for County Judge is going to be closer than you think. Within a 500 vote razor thin margin.

"Schriebman's let's make a deal backfired in Wawarsing. He and Stoeckeler cut the deals and guess who lost?"

Backfired in Warwasing, you say?? In the General election in District 1 guess who is going to finish 4th for county legislator? Right on, Fishbowl, it's Stoeckler!
And that's the gist of it!

Anonymous said...

Well its a SMALL step in the right direction..NEVER vote incumbents back into office..They HAD their chance ..Ulster County is a TAX NIGHTMARE..and NO JOBS to pay those taxes..ENCOURAGE new people to RUN for office and win .. GET RID of the career tax and spend politicians and their cronies and lackeys and political HACKS!!!!!! And why would you want to recycle toxic waste anyway?? Don Williams had his chance.. Just LOOK at what that did for Ulster County.. ENCOURAGE NEW PEOPLE TO RUN AND TELL THEM THEY CAN WIN!!!!! NEVER vote recycled toxic waste / incumbents back into office!! NEVER!!!

Anonymous said...

9000 Do you know what this number is 1:28?

The number of Democrats that are working against Schneer and Glida...now what? Oh, by the way, how much money did Hein promise our Chair Mr. Schriebman from his fundraiser? ZERO, nice, how much money do we have in our county Dem account? Let's get back to our roots. John Helppppppppppppppppppppp

Anonymous said...

Yes, Democratic enrollment beats Republican enrollment. Do you really think people vote a straight ticket in this day and age? The truth is many Dems voted for Bradley or Carnright, Reps voted for Van Blarcum, Hein, etc.. It should be about the quality of the candidate not the party. Many Dems will vote for Williams. Nothing to do with party affiliation. Scneer's nomination was a mistake that will cost the Dems a 10 year term. Miranda or Katz would have made it a race. Madsen should hold his base and possibly attract some Rep votes in his former ward. The spoiler could be if Dart decides to campaign on the WF line and take union votes with him via a bullet vote. KFD will get out the vote for one of their own. He could get Dem and Rep voters to hold their nose and pull the WF line. This could hurt Provenzano and Madsen possibly allowing a Rep to take one of the seats. A bit far fetched but not impossible should there be a low voter turn out.

Anonymous said...

Numbers don't always matter. Here is one Democrat voting for Williams and telling anyone who asks that they should do the same.

Anonymous said...


A Republican quiting in Wawarsing and Schreibman supports a non incumbent Republican over finding a Democrat candidate. That is not what a leader does. Democrats should have 4 seats down there.

As far as Schneer and her 70 votes. The Democratic Committee should have been out working to get her votes. How does McGinty, VanBarcum, and Work win by 2-1 margines and Schneer gets tromped? I don't think Dem leadership sat on their hands for those primaries like Julian did yesterday. He's worse than a red headed step child.

Anonymous said...

5:16 p.m. - Don Williams worked his ass off - he went door to door and made phone calls. What did Bernardo do?

Anonymous said...

Schriebman was not involved with the INDEPENDENCE Party primary, but, he should have been.

He is worse than bad,he is destructive. If he didn't want the job, why did he run for it? Time for to resign and let someone who wants to, actually do the job. Julian is not around and it is hurting the Democrats.

His right hand man left town and now he does nothing. One has to wonder if his right hand man was actually THE man?

Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks that the Dem Committee members are going to campaign in a Independence primary is out of their mind. These people don't even campaign in general elections. Wake up...once a candidate gets the dem line he or she is on their own. Ask any of them from Van Blarcum to any of the Judges or Hein and Auerbach. They did not even support Auerbach financially and he won because of Obama. They did it all themselves with dedicated voluteers that they went out and found on their own. The committee members do nothing except get the signatures and even that is a fight on most occassions. They love to tell us all the hard work they put in, but just watch. They add little to nothing in countywide races. That is one of the many reasons they will lose both countywide races this year with a 9000 vote advantage. Think about that...Dems have at least a 20% advantage (if not more) in whatever election they are in countywide and they are going to lose both of them this year. They have no one to blame but themselves. Putting up bad candidates is another reason. They put up candidates that the moderate portion of the party (which is still the majority of Dems) cannot and will not vote for. Until these people in this committee realize this and put up candidates that are dems and also qualified for the position, they will lose. They are out there, but they get rejected because they are not "progressive" enough, whatever that means.

Anonymous said...

As a Democrat, I am quite angered that the minimally qualified candidate for sheriff that my party worked their ass off to elected to a $100k job is backing republicans and not our party's candidates.

Anonymous said...


If the Democrats put up anyone other than this train wreck I'm sure people would campaign with her. Let her crash and burn on her own, smart Democrat's will stay clear.

I don't think many town or county candidates will be seen with her either. Qualified or unqualified.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of idiots here! The Ulster county Independent party is nothing more than a renamed front for the dead and dying Republican party. It's insignificant. Williams is still primarily a "core values" Republican that adheres to the lie,cheat, and steal ethics of the looney right wing. We've been voting against those nuts for years and this year will be no different. Keep dreaming fishmeal, it can't hurt to fantasize.

Anonymous said...

Your right about Williams, but what is the alternative. Don't vote for anyone? Well that is a vote for Williams if you usually vote dem. How can anyone support this woman for Judge of a criminal court based on her experience and views. I can't.

Anonymous said...

The races will not be close. Postupack and Williams win BIG and possibly give the Republicans a 1 vote majority.

Bye bye Brian Cahill. He will lose. After all, he barely beat Barbara Patrick and the Republicans were not exactly in her corner.

Anonymous said...

It was the late Barbara Wise who ran last time and Brian Cahill may very well win.

If Cahill barely beat Ms. Wise, than Maloney barely beat her too. As I recall they were just about tied.

Maybe it is Maloney who loses and not Cahill? The only time Maloney out polled Cahill is when the Republicans did not want to support Wise and bullet voted for Maloney. Now Wadnola will have some bullet votes of his own and Maloney is on the shitty end of the stick for a change. Fred and Jimmy will be fighting with each other for the Republican bullet votes.

Don't count you chickens just yet.

PS. The Democrats will hold, and may even strengthen their Majority thanks to Joe Roberti and Glenn Noonan.

Anonymous said...

Paul VanBlarcum:just a reminder,ask Frank Faulutico for your balls back ,before you leave office. (they're in his mouth)